Reasons that could lead to a drop in your  Google Website Ranking

Recent Changes in Your Website

Recently, you made major changes to the content of your website, which may have led a drop in rankings. These changes can include moving or revamping your website, as well as adding of a few extra pages.

Technical Glitches

Drops in SEO rankings may occur without your fault. Perhaps it's a technical issue on the search engine's end. Or perhaps it's challenging to crawl and index your website.

SEO Algorithm Update

The algorithms used by search engines to rank webpages keep getting updated. So, if a search engine updates its algorithm, your website's rating may suffer as a result.

Chances of Hacking

Most likely, someone hacked your website and actively modified the content to lower your Google ranking.

Change in Search Intent

Google sometimes has the ability to alter how it reads the search intent behind a given query, which can affect how relevantly webpages are ranked.

Improvements Made by Competitors

When competitors make changes to their websites to rank higher than you, your website's SEO rating may suffer as a result.

Lost Backlinks

The most important ranking factor in SEO is backlinks. The number of backlinks coming to your website might significantly affect its Google rating.