How to do Google Reverse Image Search using Desktop or Mobile

Kaif is an SEO Professional with a degree in Marketing. He is an avid learner of SEO trends & the go-to-guy for optimizing your website’s page rank & search relevance.

How to do Google Reverse Image Search using Desktop or Mobile

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    In many ways, Google has made our lives simpler. From finding information about any topic, booking our flight tickets, or playing games, Google always helps. In this article, we will discuss how Google helps us with Google Reverse Image Search and how it works on desktop and mobile devices.

    What is Google Reverse Image Search?

    Reverse Image Search is Google’s technology, wherein an individual can search for information via images on its SERPs. It shows the user what the image is about, possible related searches, web pages that include matching images and similar images across the web is. This can be easily done by just uploading images on Google SERP. In simple words, it is similar to your regular Google Search, the only difference is that here you use an image instead of text.

    The Google Reverse Image Search can be helpful in the following scenarios:

    Discover information about a photo

    A reverse image search on Google can display additional images of the subject, along with key information. It can highlight a particular website, a person’s name, or information about a product. 

    Find plagiarism

    Reverse image search is beneficial for photographers who want to check if an image of theirs has been published online without their authorization. 

    Discover  similar pictures

    A reverse search will populate the required results if you are searching for related images or images with some useful or interesting information.


    Why is Google Reverse Image Search used?

    Google Reverse Image Search, also known as Google Search by Images, was introduced by the search giant in 2011. It is a technology that allows users to find images on the web by uploading an image or providing a link to that image instead of keywords. Once a user uploads an image or provides an image URL, Google will offer related search results. Users can access the service from the Google images search box. On most search engines today, reverse image search is a fantastic way to know more about something that has piqued your attention. 

    Here’s why reverse image search can be used: 

    To trace the original source of the image

    Websites are a popular way of marketing your business on the web. And to make it more engaging and relevant for users, you must ensure it contains images that demonstrate your services. However, many websites publish images that are copied from other sources. You may borrow images from such websites, assuming them to be the actual sources of the images. However, with the help of reverse image search, you can find the original source of an image and avoid making such errors. Also, if you wish to use an image and want to ensure that you adhere to copyright regulations, reverse image search can help you comply with the rules. 

    Copyright violations check 

    Images can be stolen easily, and it may seem impossible to hunt for copyright violations in the ocean of content online. This is where reverse image search can come to your rescue. If you suspect that other people are using your work without your permission, you can use reverse image search to discover any copyright violations and take appropriate action. Google reverse image search can also be useful for photographers to find out if their images are published online without authorization and allow them to ensure that the images are correctly credited and captioned. 

    Find related images

    Reverse image search not only allows you to discover exact copies of an image but also helps in finding related images by recognizing the objects within them. Suppose you photographed a plant or an animal species that catches your attention, but you are not sure what exactly it is. Using reverse image search, in this case, allows you to get several images related to the subject. Moreover, if Google is sure that it has recognized the correct image, it may show more images of the subject and key information about it in a separate panel called Knowledge Graph Box.

    How to Do a Reverse Image Search on Desktop?

    Reverse Image Search on Desktop

    • Open Google in your browser (compatible with Safari, firefox and chrome) and go to the Images section or click here –

    Open Google in your browser

    • Click on the Camera Icon to upload your Image

    Click on the camera icon

    • Enter the URL for an image you’ve seen online, upload an image saved on your device or drag the image from another window to the search box.

    Paste Image URL

    Upload an image

    • Click Search, and you will get the results. Explore the results that show the image you upload on top of the page along with some other suggestions. The results also show other sizes in which the uploaded photo is available to download.

    Click on Search

    Search Results

    How to Do a Reverse Image Search Using the Chrome App on a Mobile Device?

    Google Reverse Image Search on Mobile

    • Open Google Images in the Chrome App. If you are doing a reverse image search of any image that you have found on the internet, using the chrome app is easier than the other options.

    Open Google Images in the Chrome App

    • Select ‘image’ from the top navigation bar.
    • Search for any image you are looking for, e.g. ‘Phone Wallpapers’ and tap your desired image from the list of results shown in the SERP.

    Search for any image

    • Once the image is opened, click and hold on the picture for a couple of seconds. Then select ‘Search Google for this Image’ and Google will show you the results that contain different sizes of the image and details about where else the image is located.

    Searched Image

    Select - Search Google for this Image

    Image Results

    Here is a video from SEMRush where they have explained How to Do Reverse Image Search on Desktop and Mobile

    YouTube video

    How to Do a Reverse Image Search on a browser?

    Reverse Image Search on Browser

    • Open Google Images in Your Web Browser.

    Open Google Images in Your Browser

    • Change the website settings to the desktop view as if you click images in the mobile view, you won’t be able to see the option to search for an image.

    Change the website settings

    Tick on Desktop view checkbox

    • Click on ‘image’ on the top right corner.

    Click on image on the top right corner

    • Click on the camera icon to upload the photo or enter the URL for the image.

    Click on the camera icon

    Paste Image URL

    • Click the search icon and you will see the results showing websites with the same picture and other available images.

    Click on Search by Image

    Search Results

    You can also use Search Engines like Bing and Yandex for Reverse Image Search

    How to Do a Reverse Image Search from Bing on Mobile?

    Another popular search engine from Microsoft named “Bing” also performs reverse image searches, but names it “visual search.” 

    Follow these steps to conduct a reverse image search from Bing

    • Click on Bing’s camera icon from any mobile browser.

    Bing Image Search Engine Page

    • A message will pop up asking for access to your camera, grant access with a tap.

    Bing Image Search Access Popup

    • After granting access, on the next screen, click the Browse button on the bottom left. 
    • A pop-up menu will be displayed with various options like 
    • Take a photo
    • Browse your photo library
    • Browse third-party apps

    Browse Options Page

    Choose your preferred option from above to conduct reverse image search through Bing

    The latest versions of the Bing app also allows you to upload a photo from your camera roll and scan QR code to conduct a reverse image search.

    How to Do a Reverse Image Search from Yandex on Mobile?

    Russia’s Yandex search engine similar to Bing has a unique image search feature that works on mobile devices directly from the browser. 

    Follow these steps to conduct a reverse image search from Yandex

    • For conducting an image search, click on “Images” from the main search engine page.

    Yandex Search Engine Page

    • After clicking on images, you will be redirected to the following screen

    Yandex Image Search Page

    • Then tap the camera icon in the search bar and you will be taken to options like
    • Take a photo 
    • Browse your photo library
    • Browse third-party apps

    Browse Options

    Then select the best option that suits you to conduct a reverse image search through Yandex

    Reverse Image Search Google & Privacy

    Google’s guidelines suggest that the image is stored for seven days when you upload it for reverse image search. It is only used to improve its products and services during this time. The photos don’t exist in your search history, meaning you cannot download them anytime. 

    Using reverse image search on Google, users can authenticate the source of pictures, screenshots, images received on WhatsApp and Internet memes. Tinder and Facebook users use the Search by Image feature to verify profile pictures of their prospective dates. 

    Google hosts the images anonymously on the Google Cloud, keeping them undiscoverable to other users. 

    Making use of a third-party app


    CamFind is a mobile application with visual search and image recognition features, available for free on Android and iOS. All you need to do is click a picture of any object and allow the app to tell you what it is. The tool, powered by CloudSight Image Recognition API, provides fast and accurate results.


    Reversee connects your pictures with reverse image search engines. Sending your pictures directly to the Google Images database allows you to search by image. If you upgrade to the pro version, you can also obtain results from Bing and Yandex. Use the app to search for someone’s social profile, a higher resolution version of the image, or websites displaying a picture. 

    Photo Sherlock

    Photo Sherlock offers a Google reverse search via web and mobile apps. You can search by image taken from a gallery or camera. The tool helps you find the image’s source, information about it, and on which sites it was used. It provides a full search of Google and Bing results. 

    Search By Image

    Search by Image is a Google reverse image search extension. It allows you to make a reverse image search on Google effortlessly. Moreover, it supports 30 search engines, including Bing, Yandex, TinEye, and Baidu. Using the extension, researchers and journalists can verify the authenticity of images and spot any false information on social media.


    We believe this article has helped you understand what Google’s Reverse Image Search is and how you can do an image search via your desktop, mobile or browser. If you have queries regarding Google Reverse Image Search, do let us know in the comments section below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Watch our blog for more news and updates on Digital Marketing.

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    12 thoughts on “How to do Google Reverse Image Search using Desktop or Mobile”

    1. Nice idea but the main problem with Reverse Image Search is when they are not as crisp as the first picture is and it’s too small and unimportant to be in the top of the screen.

    2. Hello Admin, I am a developer and I am always anticipating making people aware of the latest developmental tools. I have seen your site and it has almost all the features that a good website must have. Your site is really user friendly.

    3. The reverse image search tool is one of the most helpful SEO tools that everyone, especially, the webmasters should know how to use the tool and how much they can get out of this wonderful tool. This tool is one of the easiest forms of search and one can easily search by only using an image.

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    How to do Google Reverse Image Search using Desktop or Mobile